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my role as a worship Leader

A worshipping minstrel and vocalist will be able to flow in the spirit, even if they are using sheet music or chord charts. They are skilled, prepared and have spent time in His presence and reflect His glory. They are submitted to leadership and work for the sake of unity. They do not need introduced. They are given to His Word in secret, so they can carry a worship set in public.

My role as an exhorter

An exhorter will be prepared with His Word. They are uplifting and edifying as they read His Word aloud. They will not allow there to be long pauses of silence, but they are sensitive to the flow of the worship leader who may be letting a song ‘breathe’. They realize their role is vital to not letting one moment fall to the ground. They will fill in the gaps.

My role as a gatekeeper

A Gatekeeper is available. They are aware of the atmosphere surrounding the tent, and they are attentive to not permit distractions to interrupt the worship. They are gentle in spirit, yet able to ask others to kindly move conversations away from the worship tent. They attend to the physical needs of the tent, and will communicate them to the overseers promptly.



Entering in…

When we talk about worship, we must realize there is a place to enter in. If you’ve ever studied the Tabernacle of Moses, or the pattern that God showed to him on Mt. Sinai, you know that there are 3 parts: the Courtyard, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. It could take someone years to fully understand the depths and detail God put into the pattern He set before Moses for the children of Israel. But let’s focus on the Courtyard. When you entered there, you had a purpose; It was to bring a sacrifice. The sacrifice could have been a sin offering, but it could also be a grain offering of thankfulness. Regardless of what you brought with you as you entered, remember God sees your heart concerning the sacrifice. Are you entering in broken and bearing a contrite heart for the sin that separates you from Him? Maybe you are stepping through that gate with a heart overflowing with gratefulness and thanksgiving for all that He has done in your life. It’s all about the way your heart enters in. God looks on the heart. Even the woman with the widows mite blessed Jesus more than all the other gifts in the treasury, because he saw her heart to give all she had. That’s really all He wants…He wants all of you. All of your burdens, all your cares, and all of your tears. He wants all the pain, the rejection and every broken piece. He can surely handle everything you have as you enter in.

So let’s enter in. Never be afraid that He will judge you for what you carry to the altar. He just wants you to trust Him to bring it all so He can take it from you. This is why He came, remember? Enter with your heart first, and enter fully. He is omniscient, and He knows when you’re holding back anyways, so don’t waste another minute… enter in!