APRIL Monthly Meetup
Plan to join us for this month on a FACEBOOK Live! Meetup.
Link to join will be posted by Sunday April 6th 7PM
Plan to join us for this month on a FACEBOOK Live! Meetup.
Link to join will be posted by Sunday April 6th 7PM
We gather to remember Jesus’ sacrifice as the Passover Lamb who gave His life and spilled His blood for us! Set aside this precious time, and come. Get on your face, get in His Word, and gaze upon the face of the beautiful One in worship…the Savior & King, for He alone is worthy of it all!
Reserve your ticket for the Passover Seder Meal, as we have limited seating for this portion our Passover Gathering. Registration is FREE, but everyone needs to bring a covered dish to share for the community meal. A signup for the Seder Meal will be sent out by THURS APRIL 10th to those who have reserved tickets for the meal.
Plan to join us for this month on a FACEBOOK Live! Meetup
Link to join will be posted by Tuesday May 6th 7PM
1 Night Gathering!
Don’t miss this evening to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost with other believers in praise, worship, prayer & fellowship… also send off of Ohio Week Delegates to go to David’s Tent DC for the week!
IN- PERSON meetup… put it on your calendar now:)
LOCATION: TBA… stay tuned on where March meetup will be and invite someone new!
We can’t wait to reconnect with you!!
So that many can participate, we are planning a ZOOM meetup. This will be the LAST meetup for the year, so don’t miss out on all that we are going to be sharing in preparation for our times together in 2025.
Click the button to join the call
NOVEMBER 7th @ 7th
Where else can you find LIFE, JOY & PEACE…. except in HIS presence!
7 Days of Praise is happy to again host the Feast of Tabernacles Celebration for all of Ohio! This will be our 18th year celebrating together and we couldn’t be more excited about it!
1 week…7 Days…168 hours, 10,080 minutes and 604, 800 seconds… of communion with Him and His church through worship, prayer, lifting up His Word, fellowship, breaking bread, studying and relationship-focused. The Feast of Tabernacles is about celebrating: Perhaps more than any other Jewish holiday, Sukkot has an atmosphere of celebration and delight. In OT times, Deut 16:14-15 mentions that we are to “rejoice during this festival, and we do so by listening to festive music, talking about the meaning of the holiday, praying together, eating holiday food, and just relaxing inside the sukkah (little huts or tents) with family and friends” (https://hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/Fall_Holidays/Sukkot/sukkot.html#loaded)
In NT times Jesus celebrated “The Feast”, so why shouldn’t we?
It’s an offering of our love for Him and a sacrifice to set aside this time each year, but He’s sooo worthy!!!
Seriously 168 hours??? A whole week??? Nonstop??? The answer is YES! YES!! YES!!!
But HOW: We recommend you put it on your calendar now …OCT 16 @ 7PM (btw- that’s a Wednesday) Without everyone planning to celebrate and just waiting to see if their schedule will open up, these Feast celebrations are simply not sustainable. So we encourage and invite you to plan to be a part of the Feast, not a spectator but a participant in it!
WORSHIP & PRAYER: There will be a schedule to sign up to keep the ‘fire on the altar’ and the incense rising. You, yes YOU can sign up to read the word out loud & pray the Word for an hour with a worship playlist… at the very least. But if you are a minstrel, dancer, prophetic artist then we encourage you to come and share your gift and pour out of your alabaster boxes during this week til they are emptied out. Nothing compares to alone moments when it’s just us and Jesus in a time you have planned to lavish your love on Him and pour out your heart and soul onto His feet like oil!
We are meeting this month IN PERSON at the host church, Faith Hope Love HOP and we will be setting up for 7 Days of Praise!
Please come out and let’s spend some time together preparing the space for His Presence.
FOOD- Please bring soup or hot side to share + your own drinks. Bottled water will be provided.
STARTS at 7PM!!!
To sign up for a set CLICK HERE.
Location: Faith Hope Love House of Prayer
Tonight, join in our ZOOM Call.
Sharing updates, planning details for Passover, and to just see each other’s faces!
Tonight we want to spend time fostering relationships, breaking bread, celebrating what He’s doing in our lives & make room for His presence while we worship & pray together. So let’s come ready to love on one another, and give Him our BEST!
Join Mike & Tracy for a bonfire🔥… hot dogs and S’mores will be provided, but we ask you RSVP and plan to bring the following:
A-L Side Dish & 2 liter
M-Z Dessert & Bottle water (12 pack)
PLUS…a camping chair to sit around the fire!
Tonight we want to spend time fostering relationships, breaking bread, celebrating what He’s doing in our lives & make room for His presence while we worship & pray together. So let’s come ready to love on one another, and give Him our BEST!
Zeila is celebrating her 75th so want to celebrate her specifically tonight with words of encouragement & appreciation for who she is to all of us as a mother in the faith.
Since 7 Days ended last year, we have stayed connected monthly with our volunteers and want to invite YOU to also meet up with us. To make easy to remember, let’s stick with a consistant time and date and put it on our calendars so we won’t forget. So we invite you to the 7th @ 7- Monthly Meetup; whether virtually or in-person, we’re staying connected and we want to be intentional to build community and draw closer to one another as we come closer to Him. Stay tuned to find out the location for next month’s Meet Up! Spread the word about this and let’s build momentum as we head into gatherings for the Feasts.
Here’s the ZOOM link if you would like to join in: FEB 7 Days of Praise Monthly Meet Up
Meeting ID: 852 0398 7687
We have decided to cancel this event at this time. With a New Year comes change and we are spending the remaining days of the month to pray, fast and seek God concerning the gatherings we desire to host that are in addition to Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles.
Stay tuned for more info on what ‘s next for 7 Days of Praise on our social media platforms
Click the Zoom link below, and find out more about the Jan.13th Worship Day.
To dial in by phone, you will need to call the number, and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode
4983 Postlewaite Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235
Tabernacles is a time when God commanded the children of Israel to journey to Jerusalem, and they were to build little booths, or tents to live in while they made their way there. Feast of Booths, Feast of My Joy, and Feast of the full harvest are other names this week is known by. It’s to be spent with family and loved ones. It’s a time to celebrate and to remember how God has kept us through the wilderness seasons. Our prayer is you get a deep revelation of what it means to Tabernacle, or dwell with Him this week.
Daily Teaching Topics include:
Tabernacle of Moses
Tent of David
Teaching Times TBD- Check back!