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  • 7 Days of Praise @ FHL HOUSE OF PRAYER 4983 Postlewaite Road Columbus, OH, 43235 United States (map)

We gather to remember Jesus’ sacrifice as the Passover Lamb who gave His life and spilled His blood for us! Set aside this precious time, and come. Get on your face, get in His Word, and gaze upon the face of the beautiful One in worship…the Savior & King, for He alone is worthy of it all!

6:30 PM - Christ in the Passover Seder Meal- FREE TICKETS

8:00 PM- Tent of David Worship & Pray - Signup HERE

8:00 PM - 6:00 PM The Chosen Movie Marathon

Reserve your ticket for the Passover Seder Meal, as we have limited seating for this portion our Passover Gathering. Registration is FREE, but everyone needs to bring a covered dish to share for the community meal. A signup for the Seder Meal will be sent out by THURS APRIL 10th to those who have reserved tickets for the meal.

Earlier Event: April 7
APRIL Monthly Meetup
Later Event: May 7
MAY Monthly Meetup